

Question Base 3.0 →

Run Slack
10x more efficiently

Answer questions using your existing documentation.
Write documentation as you chat.

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What Customers Say

“Before Question Base, we’ve been seeing repetitive questions all around our Slack channels.”

Aleksandar Ginovski,
Head of Product @Enhancv

“Since we started using Question Base we don’t spend any time looking up our procedures in a support manual. Before, we could easily spend 5-10 minutes searching in a very long document for the exact support case and procedure plus involving several colleagues in trying to find the correct answer. Now, QB finds the relevant answers in a few seconds, and if not we can easily add a new answer that will be used the next time.”

Maria Jensen,  UX Lead & Scrum Master @Ticketbutler

“Since we started using QB we haven’t used our Google support docs. And if I go on vacation or sick leave, I feel comfortable that QB will just take over”

Linn Stokke, Online Events & Marketing Specialist @Ticketbutler

“We tell people you have changed our business.”

Dan Petsy,
COO @Petsy

“Great tool. Super useful.”

Daniel Mould,
CEO @WeMove

“It’s like having an extra person answering questions in Slack.”

Willem Bens, Manager of Sales North EMEA @DoiT International

“Phenomenal product with an amazing team behind it.”

Joshua Miller, Senior Product Owner @Corpay One

You will be in good company




Answers Documented


Questions Answered

You tried it all. Yet Slack feels like a nightmare.

You documented all the know-how. Yet people don’t seem to read it and have hard time finding what they need.

Created a #questions channels. And you are now getting 20+ questions every day. Some of them the same.

Tried an AI solution. But it kept giving wrong answers, so naturally people кeep asking in Slack instead.

Time for

Harvest knowledge from Slack. It helps your team document knowledge from conversations, automate repetitive questions and maximizes your existing documentation.

Document as you chat

Automate repetitive questions

Company wide FAQ

Auto Responder

People are not checking your existing wiki?

No problem. Auto Responder will do it for them. It detects questions as people chat and pulls out relevant articles and answers from your existing docs and Question Base.

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Smart Capture

Documenting feels like a drag?

Work is busy. Let Smart Capture do that for you. When you answer a new question it will draft a version for you to review and save.

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Company FAQ

There’s no place to keep all the answers.

Every answer you save is safely stored in your Question Base. Information is easy to find and keep up-to-date.

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Getting started

Ready in five.
Adopted instantly.

Question Base is made with people in mind. It fits the way your team already works in Slack. And it doesn’t require any change of habit

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Questions? Answers.

How can I integrate Question Base with ...?

Here's a list of all our integrations. If something you need isn't there, please let us know.

Is Question Base secure?

We're taking security very serious. We've obtained SOC II Type 1 and are in the process of obtaining Type 2.

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